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英 [ˌɜ:tɪ'keɪʃən]
美 [ˌɜtə'keɪʃən]


  • n.


  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs

        同义词:urticariahivesnettle rash

      • a sensation of having been stung by nettles



    The cause of urtication produced by larval hairs of Arctia caja (L.) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
    The mechanism of urtication in urticaria pigmentosa.
    Processionary Moths and Associated Urtication Risk: Global Change-Driven Effects
    Is urtication of this bump a worrisome sign?
    Range Expansion of Processionary Moths and Associated Urtication Risks: Global-Change Driven Effects
    Urtication for Musculoskeletal Pain?
    [Brown-tail moth. Outbreak dynamics and control methods (part 1) [Euproctis chrysorrhoea; nuisibility, urtication]]. [French]
    [Skin irritating urtication using the method of W. Dick as diagnostic aid in acute abdomen and a method with no hazards in the tream...
    A Case of Partial Amaurosis Cured by the Aid of Urtication
    Methodes de traitement du signal pour la quantitication en spectroscopiue rmn : estimateur de signal et prediction lineaire